Guild Information

Weaving with Silver Creek

Silver Creek Basket Guild meets on the 1st Saturday of each month, unless it's a holiday weekend we meet on the 2nd Saturday. September through June at 9:00 a.m. at the Messiah Lutheran Church in Ripon, Wisconsin.

Annual dues are $25

The membership is open to experienced basket weavers
(who understand the terminology, and are able to independently weave a round and a square base).

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

September 11, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Our September 11th meeting was called to order by Denise with eleven members present. This was also our Fall Weave taught by Diane Gliexner. Beautiful baskets were made and she taught each of us a few new tricks, thank you Diane!

Peggy passed out the bases, leather, and patterns for our October 2nd weave. Our meeting will start at 9 a.m.

November will be the bread basket led by Krista. Members signed up for the pattern and Hamburg cane. Krista will order the Hamburg cane for $5 per basket. 

December and January meetings will be the washtub basket led by Sharon. If you need a tub contact Geri before the November meeting. 

Joann will lead our February and March weave with a two-month project. 

May is our Spring Potluck Weave, and April and June are open for suggestions.

Discussion of By-laws was tabled until our next meeting.

Krista and Sue motioned to adjourn the meeting, respectively.  

Krista had this post note:
She and Ann went to a class this past weekend and learned a new technique to apply leather rims. They wrote up the technique to apply leather rims that lay smooth. Peggy will have the directions at the October meeting. You will need the following:

  • 3/8" FO for rim
  • Insta-cure glue
  • Waxed linen and a lashing needle

Respectfully submitted, 

Ruth, Secretary
Jane, Assistant Secretary

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