Guild Information

Weaving with Silver Creek

Silver Creek Basket Guild meets on the 1st Saturday of each month, unless it's a holiday weekend we meet on the 2nd Saturday. September through June at 9:00 a.m. at the Messiah Lutheran Church in Ripon, Wisconsin.

Annual dues are $25

The membership is open to experienced basket weavers
(who understand the terminology, and are able to independently weave a round and a square base).

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Silver Creek Basket Guild Meeting Minutes February 4, 2016

Meeting was called to order by Krista, President at 6:00 p.m.

The January minutes were approved without changes.

Roll call attendance taken by Geri, Secretary:
Those present were: Connie, Ruth, Sue, Dawn B., Denise, Barb B., Beth, Pat, Barb J., Geri, Sarah, Krista, Stephanie, Karen, Patti, and Ann.

Just a reminder:  the guild has several molds that can be checked out by any member wishing to use them. A log will be kept as not to lose sight of them. Contact Krista in advance of a meeting if interested.

Also our guild reed inventory has a lot of blue. We might weave with inventory materials March 12th at the Library.


Will be led by Karen. Contact Karen to place orders for base, etc. You will need 11/64 FO. Guild has #2 round. Bring all of your other supplies and a quarter.

9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.  POT LUCK
Will be led by Ann Z. Guild will provide the blue reed if you would like it in blue. You will need to bring your own natural. See Discombobulated Materials list.  Contact Krista for patterns, bases $8 and handles: $12 braided leather and $7 flat leather.

Dawn will lead both meetings in April. We will start the Old World Market Baskets at our regular meeting April 7th, and finish all of them on a Saturday, April 23rd @ the church. We ask that you bring the unstained finished baskets to the May meeting for donating. All reed will be purchased by the guild. 

Ann made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Sue seconded the motion.
Meeting was adjourned by 6:30 p.m. 

For the remainder of the evening the guild worked on the Indian Summer Basket. 

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