Meeting was called
to order @ 6:05 p.m. by Krista, President.
The October minutes
were approved without changes.
Roll call attendance
was taken by Geri, Secretary.
Treasurer’s report
by Patti. $78 was collected from guild members towards church missions. The
church’s Women’s Guild personally presented us with a kind thank you note. They
greatly appreciated our donation.
December 1: POTLUCK.
It was voted not to do a Christmas exchange this year. We also need to have an updated picture taken of our group for our blog, so please bring some baskets to show off.
baskets with lids led by our very own, ever so talented, JoAnn. This will be a
two month process. JoAnne will have 3” rounds bases and tops with acorn to
purchase. Patterns will be handed out at meeting. Materials list is as follows,
note all reed is natural:
½” F spokes 16 @ 8
¼” F
#1 Seagrass
3/8” F
3/8” FO
½” F for rim of basket, not cover
Caning for lashing
with acorn adornment will be made in January
January 5: Finish acorn basket and lids, led by
talented JoAnn.
February 2: Pin
cushion baskets will be led by Connie
and how to make a Josephine Knot. Bring a finished handled basket that the knot
can be applied to on the center of its handle.
We’re still searching to hire an instructor/teacher for our Spring
Weave in March or April.
Krista adjourned meeting
at 6:15 p.m. For the remainder of the evening the guild worked on the Hearth
Basket, led by Dawn. Hope to share more pictures of the finished product next
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