Guild Information

Weaving with Silver Creek

Silver Creek Basket Guild meets on the 1st Saturday of each month, unless it's a holiday weekend we meet on the 2nd Saturday. September through June at 9:00 a.m. at the Messiah Lutheran Church in Ripon, Wisconsin.

Annual dues are $25

The membership is open to experienced basket weavers
(who understand the terminology, and are able to independently weave a round and a square base).

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

May 5, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order @ 6:10 p.m. by Krista, President.
Roll call attendance was taken by Geri, Secretary.

The guild was featured in the local newspapers from the Saturday weave showcasing the Market Basket. Members made a total of sixteen (16) Market Baskets to donate to Old World Wisconsin located in Eagle, WI. Dawn W. volunteered to deliver all of them later this month. Old World Wisconsin’s kind thank you will be four (4) free passes for each weaver that made a basket. THANK YOU Dawn!!! If you didn’t sign up for the free passes and you made a market basket donation, contact Dawn W.

Sue has various sizes of natural reed for anyone, free. Contact Sue.

We are planning a Saturday fall weave. The Laundry Luger was chosen, and you’ll need to sign up at our June meeting. Our guild will have the stakes. Sue & Ann will bring in their samples of this basket for viewing, touching, oohing and aahing in June. This is a big basket and takes a lot of time.

June Meeting – POTLUCK – Bring a dish to pass, meeting begins @ 6:01 p.m.
This will be our LAST meeting until September 1, 2016 when yearly dues are due.
JoAnn will show us how to RAND.
NOTE:  We will learn randing when we weave the Flowing Rainbows. Pattern has been emailed to all. Please have your basket started up to randing before this meeting.

Stephanie & Judy went to their Indiana convention and showed off their creations. Awesome! They made baskets around the clock that were tall, big, angelic, footed, some with a matchstick border [oh I want to learn], braided handles, a picnic basket, bread basket, and tableware basket.

Not to be overlooked, Sue brought in three baskets to share and Barb J. brought in a BIG basket as well. Awesome creations ladies!

I’m going to have to start taking pictures, or do what the rest of us do, attend the meetings to see these masters’ works of art. Breathtaking creations!

Meeting was adjourned by 6:25 p.m.

For the remainder of the evening the guild worked on the Shell Basket led by JoAnn. Cute, easy, and a versatile basket. Thank you JoAnn.

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