Guild Information

Weaving with Silver Creek

Silver Creek Basket Guild meets on the 1st Saturday of each month, unless it's a holiday weekend we meet on the 2nd Saturday. September through June at 9:00 a.m. at the Messiah Lutheran Church in Ripon, Wisconsin.

Annual dues are $25

The membership is open to experienced basket weavers
(who understand the terminology, and are able to independently weave a round and a square base).

Monday, January 09, 2017

January 5, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order @ 6:06 p.m. by Krista, President.
The December minutes were approved without changes by everyone.
Roll call attendance was taken by Geri, Secretary.


February 2:     Pincushion/small basket led by Connie and how to make a Josephine Knot to a stained handle. The pin cushion was the basket that Connie brought in for Show and had mint candies in at the December potluck. For the pincushion/small basket the Guild has the #2 & #3 round weavers, and some narrow reed in mixed colors, so you only need to bring your tools for making this basket. Pattern will be handed out in January.  Also, bring a finished and stained handled basket that the Josephine knot can be applied to on the center of its handle. Bring 11/64 FO.

March 2:         TBD – more info at our next meeting.


Saturday Spring Weave
March 4, 2017 - 9 a.m. @ the church. POTLUCK . Marla Sunstom has been hired. The exact basket to weave will be voted on in an upcoming meeting. Marla will send options to Barb.

Saturday Fall Weave
October 28, 2017 - 9 a.m. @ the church. POTLUCK. Annetta Kraayeveld will be our instructor, more info to follow. Check out her website: 

Our meeting was adjourned at 6:12 p.m. For the remainder of the evening the guild worked on the adorable Acorn Basket top led by JoAnn.

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