Old/Unfinished Business
- We have enough people for our Saturday weave on October 21. Please be cautious when signing up and canceling.
- The footed storage pattern made available.
- December was still open and Barb J. will lead in making angels.
- Two visitors this evening, Peggy and Betty
- Krista talked with Sandy Bulgren over the summer regarding the Spring Weave and teaching the Josephine Knot Rib Basket. JoAnne will bring her basket in October for members to view.
- October antler basket to be lead by Ann, sign up for the base ($4.50) if needed from Barb J.
- November basket material list will be posted at the next meeting of October 5, see Patti. You will need to sign up for the basket feet, leather, and dowels @ $6.50.
- Show and tell baskets brought by Ruth. Sorry, no pictures.
New Business
Member dues are now due $20 for the year, need to pay by the October meeting.
The remainder of the evening members weaved the Slim Cane Purse lead by JoAnne.
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