Guild Information

Weaving with Silver Creek

Silver Creek Basket Guild meets on the 1st Saturday of each month, unless it's a holiday weekend we meet on the 2nd Saturday. September through June at 9:00 a.m. at the Messiah Lutheran Church in Ripon, Wisconsin.

Annual dues are $25

The membership is open to experienced basket weavers
(who understand the terminology, and are able to independently weave a round and a square base).

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

June 2, 2016 Minutes

Silver Creek Basket Guild Meeting Minutes                                          June 2, 2016

Meeting was called to order @ 6:16 p.m. by Krista, President.
Roll call attendance was taken by Geri, Secretary.

Thanks to Dawn W. for delivering the 17 market baskets to Old World Wisconsin. Those of you that wove and donated one should have received your four free passes in the mail.

Plans are still in the works for Saturday fall weave and the Laundry Luger was chosen. Sue & Ann brought in their creations and they were big! Materials and patterns will follow once a weave date is finalized.

Ever since the first SHOW & TELL, everyone is sharing their wares. The pictures below show how talented our guild members really are! A big shout out to our weavers: JoAnn, Barb J. Sue, Dawn, and Sharon. Karen showed us something different that she weaves on a loom. Towels and baby blankets. Weaving keeps us busy and out of trouble, not to mention some great conversation with a bunch of lovely ladies.

Fall Sign-Up Instructors:
September 8 – Stephanie & Judy will show us all a new skill [please note, our first meeting after summer break is not the first Thursday, but the following one.

October 6 – Sharon will teach us to braid a handle, have any basket with a handle in place and finished up and including cutting and tucking, NO RIM. Rim & lashing after the braiding, as I understood it.

November 3 – Dawn - Hearth basket

December 1 - OPEN

Meeting was adjourned by 6:40 p.m.
For the remainder of the evening the guild worked on basket randing and eating.

Thank you everyone for a great year and see you all in September with lots of new ideas!

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